4 Tips for a Tooth-Friendly Turkey Day

November 3, 2023

Beautiful Thanksgiving tablescape in backyard

Although it may feel like summer was only a few weeks ago, it’s already time to prepare for Thanksgiving! In addition to making travel arrangements, planning the dishes, and going grocery shopping, there is something else you should keep in mind: your smile. After all, you definitely don’t want to start 2024 with a mouthful of cavities. With this in mind, here are a few tips for a tooth-friendly Thanksgiving.

Tip #1: Fill Your Plate with Vegetables First

Does your family make roasted Brussels sprouts, grilled onions, baked carrots, or steamed green beans? If so, start there! These vegetables are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that benefit your oral and overall health. Plus, they can help fill you up so you don’t accidentally over-indulge when it comes time for dessert.

Tip #2: Make Water Your Drink of Choice

Even if you drink water most of the time, you might be tempted to have a more festive drink with Thanksgiving dinner, like mulled wine or a fizzy soda. However, these drinks are often loaded with added sugar. Since you’ll already be indulging in your fair share during the meal, it’s best to stick to water. Not only is it sugar-free, but it will keep you hydrated and help rinse away food particles from your teeth!

Tip #3: Don’t Eat Sugar in Excess

With staples like cranberry sauce and pecan pie, avoiding sugar entirely is nearly impossible. The good news is that you don’t have to for the sake of your oral health! All you need to do is not overindulge. For some, that might look like having water for dinner instead of soda. For others, that might look like having one slice of pie instead of two.

Tip #4: Keep a Travel-Sized Toothbrush with You

For many families, Thanksgiving is an all-day event. If you’re not at home, that can make it difficult to brush your teeth between meals. Fortunately, there is an easy solution: bring a travel-sized toothbrush and toothpaste with you! That way, you can easily clean your teeth between meals, preventing food particles from lingering on your teeth in the process.

About the Doctor

Dr. Mark Makram graduated from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in 1993, and he’s been helping patients keep their smiles happy and healthy ever since! He even dedicates his time outside the office to advanced training with Misch International Implant Institute, the Seattle Institute for Advanced Dental Education, and Temple University so he stays abreast of the latest techniques and technologies year after year. If you have a question for him about your oral health, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment via his website or by phone at (239) 513-9990.