Improve Your Smile: Learn the Do’s and Don’ts to Teeth Whitening in North Naples

June 2, 2019

a before and after teeth whitening smileIf you’re tired of the dingy, yellowed teeth you see in the mirror each morning, there’s a solution that can not only improve but completely transform your smile. Hollywood stars aren’t the only ones who can achieve a showstopping smile, so what is it? Teeth whitening in North Naples! But before you get started, if you want a safe, effective, and even whitening experience, first read through this list of do’s and don’ts.

The Do’s: What You Should Remember When Having Your Teeth Whitened

Once you decide that teeth whitening is the method you want to move forward with, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you want your treatment to be successful.

Seek Treatment from a Professional

Opting for professional teeth whitening will have you seeing greater results than some drug store whitening kit. You will achieve fast and effective results in just one visit, in comparison to mediocre and uneven results with do-it-yourself, one-size-fits-all strips or trays.

Eat the Right Foods

Maintaining a well-balanced diet will help not only benefit your body, but it will also keep your teeth and gums healthy, too. But it’s not just about eating a good mixture of protein, fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates, it’s about knowing which foods you should avoid, such as stain-causing foods.

Visit Your Dentist

Make sure to keep your regularly scheduled six-month cleanings and checkups with your cosmetic dentist in North Naples. Once you invest in teeth whitening, you don’t want plaque and tartar to begin building and diminish the look of your smile. Stay on top of your oral health with good preventive care.

The Don’ts: What You Should Avoid

Now that you know some of the things you should do before and during your whitening treatment, there are equally, if not more things you should avoid in order to keep your smile shining bright.

Avoid Stain-Causing Foods

Who wants to spend money on a brighter smile only to have it diminished because of a cup of coffee? Dark-colored foods and beverages can sabotage your whitened teeth. Coffee, soda, red wine, berries, and even tea should be avoided at all costs. If you must have that cup of coffee in the morning, use a straw to prevent the liquid from coming into contact with your teeth. Be sure to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth immediately after finishing your drink.

Don’t Whiten with Charcoal

The growing trend these days is that activated charcoal can produce great results with regard to teeth whitening. Unfortunately, this is not true. While the amount of staining might be reduced, it’s only temporary, and research has yet to determine how damaging it can be to your tooth enamel.

If Pregnant or Breastfeeding, Hold Off

Researchers have not concluded if teeth whitening is harmful to your bundle of joy, so just to be on the safe side, wait until you’re no longer pregnant or breastfeeding to whiten your teeth.

Avoid Whitening Your Teeth Too Often

We know you want to keep your teeth as bright as possible, but if you whiten them too often, it can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. This will make it harder to eat or drink anything that is hot or cold, and it typically will last longer than the whitening treatment itself.

By following these simple do’s and don’ts, you’ll be well on your way to a whiter, brighter smile. If you’re unsure or have questions about the whitening process and what might harm your treatment, talk to your dentist.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram is a talented cosmetic dentist who can enhance your appearance and transform your smile. How? With the help of teeth whitening, he can brighten your smile by several shades, making you the envy of others. Dr. Makram earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. Let him help you achieve the kind of smile you see in the movies. Visit our website or call (239) 513-9990.