Teeth Whitening: How to Ace Valentine’s Day with a Brighter, Whiter Smile

February 2, 2021

a young woman wearing a cream sweater and showing off her brighter smile

Is the guy you’re dating taking you out for Valentine’s Day? Whether he’s taking you to a fancy restaurant or treating you to an elegant home-cooked meal, it’s natural for you to want to look your best. Although you may have the perfect outfit selected already, what can you do about your smile? Read on to discover how teeth whitening in North Naples can give you the look you desire for an unforgettable evening.

Teeth Whitening and Dating: What You Should Know

According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a person’s smile is the one defining attribute that creates a more youthful appearance, no matter an individual’s age. Your smile can help or hinder your ability to make a good first impression, which is why investing the time and money into your pearly whites will do more to ensure your upcoming Valentine’s Day date isn’t your only one.

If more statistics is what you need to be convinced, a 2013 Match.com survey asked 5,500 unattached participants which asset is most important. Around 58% of men and 71% of women placed teeth as the number one feature.

Not only can your smile help you appear more attractive, but it can also make you more trustworthy, both of which can significantly help while embarking on the dating scene.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Produces Better Results

So, what can you do to make your teeth appear whiter and brighter? There is the option of buying one of the many store-bought kits from a local drug store, but it’s unlikely you’ll achieve the results you truly want. Instead, why not consider professional teeth whitening?

A cosmetic dentist in North Naples can provide in-office Zoom! Whitening to quickly brighten your smile by several shades and leave you feeling more confident than before. In one hour, your teeth will be dramatically changed, allowing you to say goodbye to the years of discoloration.

Unlike store-bought kits that use a mild concentration of peroxide to blast away deep-down stains, professional teeth whitening uses a high-grade, scientifically formulated, pH balanced hydrogen peroxide. When paired with a special whitening light, the solution penetrates your tooth enamel and begins to quickly remove stains caused by dark-colored beverages, smoking, and natural aging.

Not only will you exude greater confidence as a result of your treatment, but you’ll be ready to stop your date in their tracks when Valentine’s Day arrives. To discover more smile-inspired dating tips in North Naples, don’t hesitate to contact a local cosmetic dentist in your area.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. He is a skilled general, cosmetic, and implant dentist, and he works to build strong relationships with his patients and delivers quality service and care. Dr. Makram and his team know how important maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile can be, especially when it comes to Valentine’s Day. If you want to make sure there are many dates following this special holiday, feel free to contact us and let us help improve your smile before the big night. For questions about teeth whitening, visit our website or call (239) 513-9990.