What Does Dental Sedation Feel Like?

January 11, 2022

woman under dental sedation in North Naples

Preparing for extensive oral surgery? Worried about your upcoming dental checkup and cleaning? No matter the reason for your visit to the dentist, there’s a good chance you might benefit from sedation dentistry in North Naples. Whether you receive oral conscious or IV sedation, you can entrust you will experience greater comfort and relaxation while you receive necessary dental care. Read on to learn more about this unique service and how you can start looking at the dentist’s office differently.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a form of treatment patients can receive to minimize dental anxiety or prepare for minor or major procedures. There are many types of sedation available, two of the most common being oral conscious and IV sedation. The former requires patients to take a pill prescribed by the dentist before their appointment. The latter is administered at the start of treatment via the hand or in the bend of the elbow.

Both forms of sedation are highly effective and safe to use.

What Does It Feel Like?

If you’re wondering what sedation dentistry feels like in North Naples, most patients would answer using the following words, “relaxing,” “comfortable,” and “calming.” When receiving oral conscious sedation, you can expect to remain conscious but deeply relaxed. Cognizant enough to respond to cues by your dentist and dental team, you will be aware of your surroundings but feel no pain from your procedure. It is necessary that you have someone take you to and from your appointment, as the effects do take time to wear off. Because you may feel a bit groggy after your appointment, you’ll need to rest the remainder of the day.

With IV sedation, the effects begin to occur within minutes of administering the solution. You will begin to feel very relaxed and as if you are floating. Throughout your procedure, you will feel as if you are drifting in and out of sleep, but you’ll never be fully sedation or “put under.” Just like with oral conscious sedation, you’ll remain aware enough to respond to cues but comfortable enough to stay still and calm.

How to Know If You’re a Candidate

The only way to know if you’re a candidate for sedation dentistry is to schedule an appointment with your dentist in North Naples. It is during this visit he will evaluate your oral and overall health, looking over your current medications and determining if there might be any conditions or health issues that might lead to potential complications. If you exhibit any of the following, there’s a good chance you’ll be eligible for sedation:

  • Have a fear of needles
  • Had a traumatic experience at another dentist’s office
  • Have difficulty with local anesthesia or other forms of sedation
  • Have trouble sitting still for extended periods
  • Are preparing for multiple, extensive procedures
  • Have mild, moderate, or severe dental anxiety
  • Have a sensitive gag reflex

With the help of sedation dentistry, you can get the care you need without additional worry and fears. Instead of canceling your next appointment or rescheduling, talk to your dentist about which sedation method is right for you.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. A skilled general, cosmetic, and implant dentist, he works to build strong relationships with his patients and delivers quality service and care. When a patient is interested in sedation dentistry, he and his team are more than happy to discuss available options and whether oral conscious or IV sedation is right for their individual needs. If you’re interested in learning how you can experience more comfortable and relaxed dental visits, visit our website or call (239) 513-9990.