Why PerioLase in Naples is Better For Your Gums

February 2, 2017

A little information about PerioLase in Naples.Gum disease is extremely common. So common, in fact, that nearly 50% of all adults in the U.S. have a form of it, with many being completely unaware. This is because in its initial stages, it is very subtle, with symptoms being red, swollen, or slightly sore gums. These can be surprisingly easy to miss, which can lead to advanced gum disease, called periodontitis. Not only is it terrible for your gums and teeth, but it has also been shown to be strongly linked to diabetes, heart disease, and dementia. In the past, many patients needed surgical intervention to treat the infection. However, Dr. Mark Makram can now offer a faster, less invasive solution thanks to PerioLase in Naples.

What Is PerioLase?

One of the biggest advancements in dentistry has been the introduction of lasers. They are able to perform a wide variety of procedures quicker and more painlessly than traditional methods. PerioLase, in particular, is used to treat advanced gum disease.

When a person develops periodontitis, bacteria-filled pockets start to form along the gum line. In the past, these pockets would need to be cleaned using small, manual tools, and then the excess tissue of the pockets would need to be removed. Afterward, the remaining gum tissue would need to be stitched to the teeth so it could properly heal. As you can tell, this procedure is very uncomfortable for patients, and requires at least a week of recovery time.

Thankfully, there is a better option now. With PerioLase, the entire procedure is performed with the laser. It removes the bacteria and helps reattached the gum tissue as well. This is called the LANAP procedure, which stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” That may sound complicated, but it just describes how the laser actually eliminates the infection.

Why PerioLase Is Better

When compared to traditional pocket reduction surgery, LANAP in Naples with PerioLase has numerous advantages:

  • Faster: The laser enables your doctor to use fewer tools, which means the procedure will go much faster. It removes the bacteria and helps reattach your gum tissue more quickly as well, meaning you’ll save even more time in the dentist’s chair.
  • Less Pain: With laser dentistry in general, less tissue is disturbed during the procedure, meaning your experience in the chair will be much easier, and your recovery will go much faster.
  • Higher-Quality: PerioLase is able to precisely clean the infected pockets better than simple manual tools, meaning that you can be assured that the infection will be completely gone afterward.

Any Questions?

We’re proud to use the most advanced technology available today to treat our patients more quickly and with less discomfort. If you are suffering from advanced gum disease, we have the solution that will have you smiling faster than anything else.

If you have any questions about PerioLase, the LANAP procedure, or want to schedule an appointment, please give us a call today.