Mark Makram DDS | Naples Dentist

Improve Your Smile: Learn the Do’s and Don’ts to Teeth Whitening in North Naples

June 2, 2019

a before and after teeth whitening smileIf you’re tired of the dingy, yellowed teeth you see in the mirror each morning, there’s a solution that can not only improve but completely transform your smile. Hollywood stars aren’t the only ones who can achieve a showstopping smile, so what is it? Teeth whitening in North Naples! But before you get started, if you want a safe, effective, and even whitening experience, first read through this list of do’s and don’ts.


Here Are 3 Options for Replacing Your Dentures in North Naples

May 7, 2019

an older couple smilingYou’ve been living with dentures in North Naples for several years, and during that time, you’ve been thinking about other options for teeth replacement. It’s not that the dentures haven’t worked well, but you’re starting to think maybe a more secure option might be better. If you want to replace your dentures but don’t know what your options are, here are 3 that can give you the stability you want in a smile.


Dental Bonding vs. Porcelain Veneers in North Naples: Which is Right for You?

May 1, 2019

a woman pointing at her smileIt should come as no surprise that your smile is one of the first things people notice. This is also one of the many reasons people turn to their dentists for help in improving their smiles. Whether it’s with crowns, teeth whitening, dental bonding, or porcelain veneers, there’s a solution for everyone when it comes to restoring and transforming smiles. Maybe you have some unsightly cracks or chips in your teeth that you want to be covered, and you know your two best options are dental bonding or porcelain veneers in North Naples. Do you know the difference? Do you know which option is best for you? Let us explain.


Discover How to Make Your Porcelain Veneers in North Naples Last Longer

April 5, 2019

a woman getting porcelain veneersYou’ve just left the dentist office sporting your new porcelain veneers. Ready to show off your new smile to the world, you begin to wonder just how long this will last? Before you get down in the dumps or depressed about the thought of your previous smile coming back to haunt you, there’s good news. Porcelain veneers in North Naples can last a long time if properly taken care of, which means you must commit to maintaining good oral health. Want to know what you can do to ensure their longevity? Read on to find out.


A Dentist in North Naples Explains the Benefits of Oral Cancer Screenings

April 1, 2019

an oral cancer signApril is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and each year, more than 34,000 people receive the diagnosis. It can be devastating to learn you have oral cancer, but the good news is that if it’s caught early, it can be successfully treated. Unsure how you can be screened for it? Many cases can be detected by your dental professional, which is why visiting your dentist for your regularly scheduled appointments are crucial. If you want to know more about the disease, a dentist in North Naples can explain the signs and symptoms and how an oral cancer screening can ultimately save your life.


Why You Should Choose Invisalign in North Naples This Spring

March 6, 2019

hand holding invisalignIf you have misaligned teeth, you may have been thinking about orthodontic treatment for a while now. Invisalign in North Naples is popular among adults because it is discreet and effective. It can transform your crooked teeth, boosting your confidence and helping you to feel great about what you see in the mirror. But did you know that Invisalign offers more than just aesthetic benefits? Let’s talk about why you should visit your dentist this spring to talk about this remarkable treatment.


Dentist in Naples Celebrates Children’s Dental Health Month

February 3, 2019

A group of children smiling.You care about your child’s health. So much so, you may even catch yourself being a little overbearing sometimes. The good news is once you know the steps to managing your child’s oral care, you’ll set them up for a healthy future for many years to come. In celebration of Children’s Dental Health Month this February, a dentist in Naples will discuss the most common issues affecting children’s oral health and what you can do to practice proper prevention.

When it comes to your child’s health, knowing is half the battle.



How to Have a Healthy Year with Your Dentist in North Naples

January 8, 2019

Woman smiling in dentist's chair.Now that you’re booking up your calendar for 2019, do you have your regular dental visits scheduled? Seeing your dentist in North Naples twice a year can not only help with the appearance of your smile, but it will ensure that your oral health is in good shape as well. Visiting your dentist early on in the year is a great way of staying on top of your oral health and starting the new year off right! Keep reading to learn why it’s important for your oral and overall health to get a dental visit on the calendar.


How Much Do Dental Implants in North Naples Cost?

December 5, 2018

single dental implant against blue backgroundDental implants offer the ultimate in stability for your smile after tooth loss. Unlike other options in tooth replacement, this one replaces a missing tooth’s root as well as the visible crown structure. Nothing else is better — and that means dental implants also come at a higher price. Below, you will find more about how your implant dentist determines the cost of dental implants in North Naples, and why whatever it is, they are worth it!


Dentist in North Naples Lists Safe Thanksgiving Foods for Teeth

November 2, 2018

A Thanksgiving greeting.Thanksgiving is coming up, which typically means you’ll be seeing more family and eating a lot more food in one sitting. With celebrations like these, it’s easy to get carried away and let your oral care routine go by the wayside. That means you just might develop cavity by December if you aren’t careful.

With this in mind, a dentist in North Naples wanted to highlight a few foods that are safe to eat and enjoy, as well as give tips to protect you and your family’s oral health.
