Discover Which Foods Can Help Brighten Your Tooth Enamel

January 2, 2020

a man with a healthy smile

Do you see your dentist every six months for regular dental checkups and cleanings? Do you maintain a good oral hygiene routine at home? There are countless ways to improve the health of your smile but what if you want to make it appear brighter? Teeth whitening kits can be found lining the aisles of your local drug store but often produce lackluster results. While you can opt for professional teeth whitening by your local dentist, you should know there are certain foods that act as natural teeth whiteners in North Naples. Find out which ones you should be consuming to help you achieve a whiter, brighter smile.


Containing an enzyme known as malic acid, these deliciously, red berries can help to whiten your smile in no time at all. Simply mash them up, rub the mixture on your teeth and leave it for five minutes. Once the time is up, rinse your mouth with water before brushing and flossing your teeth like you normally do. It is suggested that when using this method, you should wear something you do mind getting dirty since strawberries are known to stain clothing.

Apples, Carrots, and Celery

While these hard fruits and vegetables are great for producing saliva, almost any hard, raw fruit or vegetable will do the same. By snacking on these healthy foods, you will ensure your salivary glands are working at an optimal level, flushing away any bacteria or food particles that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, or staining.

Tart Fruits

Fruits that are tart (i.e. oranges and pineapples) are great for keeping your smile looking brighter because they, too, help to produce increased saliva. While there are many fruits that have a tart taste, you should be mindful of which ones you use. Lemons are highly acidic and can damage your tooth enamel if you’re not careful.

Baking Soda

For decades, baking soda has been known to be an effective teeth whitener. This is why you now find many kinds of toothpaste that have it incorporated into the paste. To try it yourself, it is suggested that you purchase a brand that contains baking soda and a mild abrasive. Or, if you prefer, you can simply brush your teeth with it straight from the box, but only do this every once in a while, not each time you brush your teeth.


Yogurt, milk, and cheese are great at protecting your teeth against tooth decay and can help to keep your teeth whiter. How? Certain proteins can bind to teeth and protect them against harmful acids that lead to cavities. Plus, hard cheeses are great for removing food particles and can ultimately serve as a great whitening tool.

If you want your smile to shine this year, try eating some of the above-mentioned food items. If you want to make sure your smile is whiter and brighter for an upcoming event, talk to your dentist about teeth whitening in North Naples.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram wants you to have a healthy, beautiful smile. This is why he offers a wide array of preventive, restorative, and cosmetic services to help you achieve your dental goals. Whether you are looking for ways to improve your oral hygiene routine at home, brighten your smile, or establish a more well-balanced diet that will work to benefit your teeth and gums, he and his team will be happy to assist. To find out what you can do to obtain a whiter smile, visit our website or call (239) 513-9990.