Naples Full-Mouth Reconstruction

May 2, 2016

full-mouth reconstructionIf you’re embarrassed to even look at your smile in the mirror, then we can only imagine what you must feel when you’re with friends and family. There’s absolutely no reason to feel that way. Dr. Makram and his team offer full-mouth reconstruction in Naples, so you can confidently and comfortably speak and chew again.

What is Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

Some people use the terms smile makeover and full-mouth reconstruction interchangeably, but they are actually two different procedures.

A smile makeover is done to improve the overall appearance of your smile and may include treatments such as porcelain veneers, dental crowns, dental prosthetics and teeth whitening.

Full-mouth reconstruction, on the other hand, is meant to repair not only the appearance of your smile but the construction and function, as well. With this treatment, Dr. Makram develops a plan that is essentially a roadmap of both restorative and cosmetic services that lead to a healthier and more attractive smile.

The Full-Mouth Reconstruction Process

When you come to see Dr. Makram to discuss your treatment, he will talk to you about your smile goals and any concerns you may have about the reconstruction process. He’ll need to know if you’re experiencing pain or if there is something in particular that you want to change about your smile or your bite.

Excitement and some nervousness about your upcoming full-mouth reconstruction are to be expected. However, if you need help calming your nerves, then mention this to Dr. Makram. We offer oral conscious sedation and IV sedation for patients who qualify.

Components of Full-Mouth Reconstruction in Naples

After evaluating your teeth and the way they fit together when you close your mouth, we’ll also take digital x-rays, photographs and possibly a panoramic x-ray to help determine the treatments that are required to restore your smile and oral health. Dr. Makram will review his plan with you, which may include any number of services, including tooth-colored fillings, all-ceramic restorations, crown and bridge, partial and full dentures, and dental implants. He may also recommend Invisalign® clear braces if your smile needs orthodontic treatment, or he will refer you to a specialist so you receive the best care possible.

Before your treatment begins, we’ll explain the schedule of services and we’ll arrange a payment plan that works within your monthly budget. The important thing is that you receive the treatment you need to have a smile that gives you confidence and pleasure.

Call Our Office Today

If you would like more information about full-mouth reconstruction, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Makram, contact our Naples dental practice.