Dental Bridge Maintenance 101: How to Extend the Life of Your Smile

March 1, 2020

an older gentleman preparing to brush his teeth as part of his dental bridge maintenance routine

Do you have a newly placed restoration to complete your smile? Are you pleased with the results and want to ensure its longevity? Have you asked your dentist, “How long do dental bridges last in North Naples?” If so, you’re not alone. Most individuals who receive some type of restorative service want to know how long it is expected to last. To answer this question, hear from a local dentist who will provide useful tips on what you can do at home to keep it looking and feeling its best for as long as possible.

The Lifespan of a Dental Bridge

After having a dental bridge put into place by your dentist in North Naples, the first question you will likely ask is about its lifespan. On average, a typical bridge can last up to a decade but only if properly cared for and maintained.

However, depending on the materials used, this number can vary. Some dentists tend to lean on the side of 5-7 years while others suggest 10 or more years. What it ultimately comes down to is how well you care for your bridge. With good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups and cleanings, you can enjoy a complete, fully restored smile for even longer than a decade.

But should you choose to forgo the maintenance required for this type of restoration, not only will you likely experience dental bridge failure, but you may also find that your natural, healthy teeth face more problems, too.

Ways to Keep Your Smile Looking Its Best

Since a dental bridge is held in place by natural teeth that are filed down to ensure a proper fit for the restoration, these “anchors” must stay healthy to prevent failure. In order to do this, here are a few tips to follow at home:

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet consisting of nutrient-rich foods like leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy.
  • Avoid eating too much sugar, as this can cause tooth decay or cavities to form over time.
  • Limit or avoid foods that are hard or crunchy, as these can put unnecessary pressure on your restoration.
  • Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes using fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss at least once a day and use a floss threader to help maneuver under the bridge to remove food particles and bacteria.
  • Rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash.
  • Keep your six-month dental appointments with your dentist in North Naples.

By choosing to care for your dental bridge, you will enjoy years of healthy, beautiful teeth. Should you have additional questions about the maintenance of your restoration, don’t be afraid to contact your dentist.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. A skilled general, cosmetic, and implant dentist, he works to build strong relationships with his patients and delivers quality service and care. Whether you’ve recently received a dental bridge or any other restorative service, Dr. Makram and his team will work to keep it lasting as long as possible through regular checkups and by providing helpful tips you can use at home. To learn more about Dr. Makram, or what you can do to extend the life of your dental bridge, visit our website or call (239) 513-9990.