3 Tips to Avoid a Scary Smile This Halloween

October 2, 2024

woman smiling and holding Halloween candy

With Halloween quickly approaching, kids prepare their buckets to hold as much candy as possible, while adults put the final touches on their costume party attire. No matter what you or your child plan to be this year – vampire, ghost, werewolf, princess, or witch – let your outfit be the thing that scares others, not your smile. If you want to enjoy the holiday and prevent a decayed or damaged smile, here are 3 tips to remember.

Minimize Sugary Beverages

Whether it’s fruit juice in your child’s bucket, a can of soda provided by one of the houses down the street, or a glass of wine you plan to enjoy at a costume party, you’ll want to avoid sugary beverages if possible.

Since many of these drinks are known to eat away at tooth enamel and cause cavities, it’s best to make sure that you and your child have access to plenty of water throughout the night. While trick-or-treating, send your little one with a water bottle. If you’re at a party, make sure to consume plenty of water so you don’t become dehydrated.

This healthy option will also flush out harmful food particles and sugary substances so they are less likely to adhere to tooth enamel.

Take Care of Teeth Before Bed

Everyone in your household should plan to practice their normal oral hygiene routine before going to bed on Halloween.

No matter how much candy is consumed, brushing teeth for two minutes as well as flossing to remove bacteria is essential to maintaining better oral health around this time of year. Cavities and gum disease can develop if smiles are neglected because of fatigue.

Don’t “let it go” for even one night. Make sure you and your child are brushing and flossing correctly so that dangerous germs and food particles don’t stand a chance.

Avoid Snacking on Candy

It’s tempting to keep candy around the house because it’s convenient and can satisfy any sweet tooth. Unfortunately, too much access to a “good thing” can be very bad for your smile.

This is why it’s recommended that you and your children enjoy a piece of candy immediately after meals instead of snacking on it throughout the day. Keeping it out of sight can be helpful, as it will not be the first thing you or your child see when entering a room in your house.

Also, by eating candy after a meal, you can limit how much time your teeth are exposed to sugar.

Don’t let your smile scare others off this Halloween. Pair your costume with a healthy, beautiful set of teeth because even monsters and ghouls can appreciate good oral hygiene!

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram is a talented dentist in Naples who emphasizes the importance of good oral hygiene and preventive dental care. Delivering exceptional services to minimize the potential for cavities, gum disease, damage, and other serious oral health problems, he and his team can offer helpful tips to reduce your family’s chances of developing decay this time of year. Visit our website or call (239) 513-9990 if you would like to discover what you can do to safeguard your smile at Halloween.