The More You Know: 4 Interesting Facts About Gum Disease  

September 4, 2024

Woman with gum disease

The statistics surrounding gum disease are constantly changing, but unfortunately, not in a good way. It is believed that more than 80% of adults in the United States are living with gingivitis, periodontitis, or advanced periodontitis. Alongside tooth decay, gum disease is quickly rising in the ranks as one of the most serious and common oral health problems throughout the U.S. and the world. Since September is Gum Care Month, read on to learn four interesting facts about this disease so that you can take better care of your smile.

Gum Disease Can Affect Patients of All Ages

Gum disease does not discriminate based on age, so children, teenagers, and adults are susceptible to this harmful oral health condition. The symptoms are usually the same no matter a person’s stage of life, so it’s important that you seek immediate dental care if you notice that you or a loved one has bleeding gums that appear swollen, red, or tender.

The risk factors associated most frequently with the development of bacteria above and below the gumline include genetics, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and stress.

Stress Can Increase Your Risk of Gum Disease

Dealing with stress might seem like a normal part of life, but it can have a harmful effect on your oral and overall health. If you are already living with gum disease, it can worsen because of your already weakened immune system.

Stress is known to deplete the mind and body over time, making it harder to fight off infections, so a bacterial attack on your gum tissues is more likely to occur. It’s also possible that additional tension and worry can cause bruxism (teeth grinding), which can result in gum recession.

Practicing relaxation techniques, exercise, and healthy eating can minimize stress and create a healthier oral environment.

Gum Disease Can Be Contagious

Believe it or not, gum disease can be contagious. If you share utensils, kiss, or drink after someone with the condition, it can spread to your mouth and cause problems. Saliva can carry harmful germs, and bacteria can easily transfer from one moist area to another, so if you’re sharing a bowl of salsa, you might want to think twice.

Keeping your family’s gum health in shape is essential if you want to avoid spreading it to others.

Bone & Tissue Regrowth Are Possible with LANAP Treatment

The effects of gum disease can be more serious than a bit of bleeding when brushing and flossing. Tooth and bone loss can accompany damaged tissues if treatment is neglected. However, with the help of LANAP (Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure), this FDA-approved laser solution helps regenerate tissues so they will reattach to teeth while also creating new bone growth.

As a minimally invasive treatment, it requires no scalpels or sutures, so your dentist can save more of your smile.

These are just four unique facts about gum disease that you may not have known before. Now equipped with this valuable information, you can make the appropriate changes so that your oral health remains in optimal shape.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram and his team are committed to treating the earliest and most severe cases of gum disease. Using advanced technologies and solutions, including LANAP treatment, he can restore tissues and even regenerate damaged bone so that a healthier smile is the result. Visit our website or call (239) 513-9990 to learn how we can help.