Here Are 3 Options for Replacing Your Dentures in North Naples

May 7, 2019

an older couple smilingYou’ve been living with dentures in North Naples for several years, and during that time, you’ve been thinking about other options for teeth replacement. It’s not that the dentures haven’t worked well, but you’re starting to think maybe a more secure option might be better. If you want to replace your dentures but don’t know what your options are, here are 3 that can give you the stability you want in a smile.

Why Do I Need to Replace My Dentures?

Over time, you might be surprised to discover that your facial shape, which includes your jawbone, changes. Unfortunately, this often results in your bone shrinking, and if you wear dentures, it can cause problems with their fit and comfort. If you’ve been wearing them for many years, you’ve probably had to have them realigned to keep them in place.

If you’re tired of the realignment process, which can only be done so many times before you need your dentures replaced, you might consider talking to your dentist about other options to replace your missing teeth.

What Are My Options?

Living with dentures can give you a beautifully restored smile, but you forgo some of the benefits that come with a secure and stable tooth replacement solution. Dentures sit on the gums, which means nothing is taking the place of your tooth’s root. This causes your bone to deteriorate and can cause facial collapse. If you want to keep your face from sagging, bone from deteriorating, or you just want a more permanent solution, here are three options that can benefit you.

Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a solution that has a 90% success rate and has given patients more confidence in their smiles, dental implants are the superior choice. Not only will you experience complete oral comfort, but you’ll also have restored function and an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Dental implants are titanium posts that act as the root of your tooth. Once surgically placed into your jawbone, you’ll spend a few months healing and allowing the implant to fuse to the bone. Once this is complete, you’ll return to see your dentist in North Naples to have a customized crown placed atop your implant, giving you a seamless smile.

It’s important to note that you must have sufficient bone density in order for implants to be a success. Without enough bone support, your implant can fail, as it will not properly fuse.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Just like a regular dental implant, implant-supported dentures work the same way. The difference is that a dental implant replaces one tooth. Implant-supported dentures can replace all your teeth. Depending on your need, your dentist will surgically place a certain amount of posts before setting the customized denture. These stay in place more securely than dentures, and you’ll never have to worry about adhesives again or accidental slippage!


If you’re worried you don’t have enough bone support because you’ve been wearing dentures for many years, there’s a solution! All-on-4 implants are placed at the front of your jaw. This is an area where deterioration does not happen as quickly, making it possible to anchor implant-supported dentures.

If for some reason, your dentist still does not believe you have enough bone support for implants, you can discuss your option to move forward with a bone graft. This will provide supplemental bone material to help keep your implant in place.

Quit being unhappy with your tooth replacement solution. If it’s time to make a change, talk to your dentist about other options that can give you the stability, security, and confidence you want in a new smile.

About the Author
Dr. Mark Makram earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. Believing in the importance of healthy smiles, Dr. Makram offers comprehensive restorative therapies and replacement teeth to renew your smile. Need to replace your dentures? Not a problem! He and his team can rejuvenate your smile with dental implants, implant-supported dentures, or All-On-4! Visit our website or call (239) 513-9990 to discuss your options with Dr. Makram.