How to Have a Healthy Year with Your Dentist in North Naples

January 8, 2019

Woman smiling in dentist's chair.Now that you’re booking up your calendar for 2019, do you have your regular dental visits scheduled? Seeing your dentist in North Naples twice a year can not only help with the appearance of your smile, but it will ensure that your oral health is in good shape as well. Visiting your dentist early on in the year is a great way of staying on top of your oral health and starting the new year off right! Keep reading to learn why it’s important for your oral and overall health to get a dental visit on the calendar.

Your Regular Dental Visit

A routine dental visit is made up of two parts: a checkup and a cleaning.


During the checkup, your dentist will examine your teeth for any chips, cracks, decay, or cavities, but they will also look at your facial and gum tissue. They may also have a special tool to conduct an oral cancer screening. Just like many other dental issues, oral cancer isn’t typically visible to the naked eye, so checkups are your best way of preventing and detecting early signs of problems.

They will take X-Rays to get an inside look at your teeth and to check for any cavities in between them. They may also use a special tool to measure the space between your gums and teeth. This is often a way to detect the first signs of gum disease. In its early stages, gum disease is reversible, which is why catching it early on is imperative.


After your checkup, an expert dental hygienist will clean your teeth. If you let plaque buildup in your smile, it can turn into tartar. This is a hardened version of plaque that can only be removed by a professional. Once they’ve removed all of the plaque and tartar from your grin, they will polish your teeth and send you on your way with a better looking and feeling smile.

When You Don’t See Your Dentist

Skipping dental visits can not only affect the appearance of your smile, but it can affect your oral and overall health. Even if you have a great brushing and flossing routine, your dentist can provide detection and prevention techniques that can literally save your life (example: oral cancer screenings).

Additionally, your tartar has to be removed to prevent gum disease. This infection and inflammation of the gums is linked to higher risks of diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and more.

Now that you know why seeing your dentist is so important, schedule a visit to ensure the health of your teeth, gums, and the rest of your body.

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Mark Makram is a skilled and experienced dentist who has a passion for providing quality dental care. He believes in patient education, which is why he wants you to know the importance of routine checkups and cleanings. He currently runs his own practice, and he can be contacted through his website or by phone at (239) 513-9990 for any questions.