5 Tips for a Healthier Mouth from Your Dentist in North Naples

March 3, 2018

man smiling flossing his teethAs the grip of winter begins to loosen and the possibilities of spring emerge from its shadows, you begin to reflect on what improvements you’d like to make with yourself. And as you move down your list, arriving at your health, you decide to take a different approach then you have in the past. The change you are considering is to make your oral health prominent in your quest for wellness. Thus, you want to know what you should be doing to protect your mouth, teeth and gums. Thankfully, your dentist in North Naples has 5 simple practices that you can incorporate into your lifestyle to ensure that you meet your goals.

Change Your Toothbrush

Bacteria love to snuggle between the bristles of your toothbrush. That’s why your dentist highly recommends that you discard it every 90 days. Also, whenever you get sick you should immediately get rid of your toothbrush – even if you just purchased it. This is because the bacteria from your illness could continue living on the bristles and reinfect you.

Use Mouthwash

Although it doesn’t suffice as a substitute, mouthwash can serve as a great supplement to your oral hygiene. It helps to keep your mouth moist and can remove excess bacteria. Furthermore, if you happen to be out and about and can’t brush your teeth after a meal, it offers a temporary solution for addressing any leftover food particles that could linger and invite bacteria growth.

When fighting gum disease, the role of mouthwash can be even more significant, as your dentist may prescribe a stronger kind to kill bacteria.

Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth

When it comes to oral hygiene, the two most important activities you can participate in are brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day. The former uses the bristles to agitate and remove the remaining food particles and residue from your beverage consumption that cling to your teeth and along the gum line.

Then what the toothbrush can’t address, your flossing efforts come along and remove. The thin material is able to get between your teeth and just below the gum line to unsettle troublesome plaque and bacteria that can lead to gum disease and a host of other problems.

Avoid Foods High in Simple Sugars

You may be wondering, “What’s a simple sugar?’ The edibles that fall into this category are candies, snack foods, sodas and other nutrient-devoid items. They are called simple sugars because they rapidly convert to glucose when you consume them.

As a sidebar, it’s worth noting that bacteria have a special affinity for sugars. That means they are attracted more to your teeth and gums because their food supply is made available faster. So a simple way to eliminate bacteria is to deny them what they want the most.

Learn How to Handle Stress

If you’re under a lot of stress and haven’t found healthy ways to cope, it can lead to teeth grinding, which is terrible for your enamel, causing premature wear. Furthermore, it can lead to broken or chipped teeth. Here are some ways you can deal with stress and anxiety:

  • Seek counseling.
  • Start a new exercise routine.
  • Learn deep breathing and meditation techniques.

The glue to all of these healthy lifestyle changes is your dentist. When you take the initiative to maintain regular visits, you’ll be moving boldly towards better oral and overall health by getting a thorough cleaning and tediously conducted examination of your entire oral cavity. So to schedule your first appointment, just reach out to your local professional today.

About the Author

A skilled general, cosmetic and implant dentist, Dr. Mark Makram earned his dental degree from State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. Trained in multiple modalities from some of the most prestigious institutions in the world, he practices at Mark M. Makram D.D.S. and can be reached for more information through his website.