How Your Cosmetic Dentist in North Naples Gives You a Smile Makeover

May 1, 2018

A person smiling.Did you know that your cosmetic dentist in North Naples can transform your smile from top to bottom? Many patients don’t enjoy the way their smile looks, even if it’s healthy. That’s where smile makeovers come into play. With smile makeovers, you can get exactly the smile you’re looking for. Whether it’s a smile you see from a celebrity or just the one you used to have when you were younger, your dentist can make it happen!

What Cosmetic Treatments are Available?

To transform your smile, your cosmetic dentist in North Naples makes use of many different treatments, including:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Cosmetic Bonding
  • Invisalign Clear Braces (Aligners)

Typically, patients who are only trying to change one aspect about their smile, such as the shade, will find many benefits from teeth whitening alone. However, by pursuing a smile makeover, you can get a smile that is truly customized to your liking. For example, instead of only pursuing whitening treatments, you may also want to remove misalignment through cosmetic bonding and/or Invisalign, depending on the severity of the misalignment.

What is the Process for a Smile Makeover?

Our practice recommends that you bring photos of your favorite smiles, so we can get a better understanding of the smile you’re looking for during your consultation. We’ll also make sure to examine your oral health and study the dynamics of your face, mouth, and skin tone. This will help us build a more concrete vision of your smile.

To help you better visualize your smile, you can observe a computer image, before-and-after photo, or wax model. Keep in mind that some procedures can be completed in single a visit (teeth whitening) while others can take a couple weeks (veneers) and several months (Invisalign treatment), so the treatment time of your smile makeover can widely vary from case to case.

How Do I Care for My New Smile?

First and foremost, regular oral care is necessary not only for your oral health, but also to maintain your cosmetic treatments. Depending on the treatment you get, you may also need additional maintenance for your smile. For example, teeth whitening typically requires occasional touch-ups to keep your smile bright. Porcelain veneers will need replacement after about 10 to 15 years of wear. Invisalign requires wearing a retainer to prevent your teeth position from relapsing.

Additionally, you’ll want to take the right steps to protect your smile at home. For example:

  • Avoid highly abrasive toothpastes. These can damage the polish and luster of restorations.
  • Floss daily. Good gum health is needed to dramatically increase the lifespan of veneers.
  • Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol. These can degrade the bond holding restorations.
  • Limit your consumption of coffee, tea, and soda to prevent stains. Limit alcohol consumption to avoid ruining your dental work, so avoid drinking in excess.

With help from your cosmetic dentist, you can get a smile makeover in North Naples with confidence! Schedule an appointment with them today!

About the Author

Dr. Mark Makram earned his dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. He’s also continued his education at some of the most prestigious dental institutions out there, including the Seattle Institute for Advanced Dental Education. To learn more about his cosmetic treatments and practice, contact him at (239) 513-9990 or visit his website.